Meet-up 09-17-2009

Class Meet-up September 17, 2009

Over 20 members of the Class of 1961 met at the Maritime Center on Thursday, September 17th in Port Huron to get reacquainted and share ideas of the events for the 2011 50th Reunion.

George Ashley                        Dave Bartley                         John Chidester

Marion Carson Forrest           Jan Drescher Hauser             Carol Ekelund

Nancy Foster Oliver                Patricia Howe Moss               Jack Kellar

Jay Ann Lampard  Jones         Charlene LaVere Main            Yvonne Lindsey-Williams

 Marilyn Lomasney Ross           Roger Lumley                        Judy Martin       

  Marybeth Martin Miorelli         Pat Mullen Slaght                     Jack Rowley 

 Chuck Stuller                          

  Not pictured, Bonnie Bascom, Suzanne Gleason, John "Skip" Kelley

We discussed several activities to consider for the weekend of July 15-17, 2011 including a golf outing with luncheon, river cruise on the Huron Lady, Friday evening social at the Port Huron Yacht Club, tour of Port Huron High School, Saturday evening 50th Reunion cocktails and dinner, Sunday morning memorial service and Sunday afternoon picnic in the park.

The group went over the list of 'lost classmates' and we were happy to find that several had connections to those in attendance -- but sad to find a few who will need to be added to our list of deceased classmates.

There was lots of excitement over the possibilities for our 50th Class Reunion. If you have ideas and/or want to help us get organized, please email:

During the fourth quarter of 2009, we plan to focus on reviewing possible venues for the activities and locating as many remaining 'lost classmates' as possible and confirming contact information with the remainder of the class.